Lumie has been researching and designing lights to treat seasonal affective disorder (SAD) and other conditions since 1991. Their widely imitated first Bodyclock – an alarm that wakes you up with increasing levels of light – was the world’s first wake-up light and brought light therapy into the mainstream. It has worked closely over the years with the scientific community: all of its products – the broadest range in Europe – are based on published research and designed by Lumie in Cambridge. Its products are certified to the Medical Devices Directive (93/42/EEC) and supplied to the NHS. Distance and brightness levels (lux) are independently verified and Lumie is registered with the government's Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency. The benefits of light therapy reach far beyond SAD. Its lights help you to sleep well, wake refreshed, and beat the afternoon slump, conquer jetlag and look after your skin. They also optimise sports performance and Lumie is an official supplier to the British Swimming team who uses its Bodyclock to wake bright and early for training.