Pregnancy, Menopause & Hormonal Changes - Impact on our sleep

Menopause Support: Tips from Menopause Movement Founders
From food & diet to lifestyle & wellbeing, alternative therapies to the very latest on Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT), Menopause Movement is the best place to find supportive, straightforward tips and advice on how women can best deal with the menopause.
The-Best-Sleep-Solutions-during-the-Menopause Myza
The Best Sleep Solutions during the Menopause
Menopause and peri-menopause are times of enormous physical, hormonal and psychological change for women. Sleep problems are a common feature of peri-menopause, menopause and post-menopause, and as many as 60% of women report troublesome sleep during this stage of their lives.
Menopause Support: Tips from Menopause Movement Founders
From food & diet to lifestyle & wellbeing, alternative therapies to the very latest on Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT), Menopause Movement is the best place to find supportive, straightforward tips and advice on how women can best deal with the menopause.
The-Best-Sleep-Solutions-during-the-Menopause Myza
The Best Sleep Solutions during the Menopause
Menopause and peri-menopause are times of enormous physical, hormonal and psychological change for women. Sleep problems are a common feature of peri-menopause, menopause and post-menopause, and as many as 60% of women report troublesome sleep during this stage of their lives.
How-to-Sleep-Better-on-Your-Period-Tips-for-a-Restful-Night Myza
How to Sleep Better on Your Period: Tips for a Restful Night
Your period makes a huge impact on your monthly sleep schedule. 90% of women surveyed reported significant emotional physical or emotional changes during their time of the month.
How-to-Sleep-Better-on-Your-Period-Tips-for-a-Restful-Night Myza
How to Sleep Better on Your Period: Tips for a Restful Night
Your period makes a huge impact on your monthly sleep schedule. 90% of women surveyed reported significant emotional physical or emotional changes during their time of the month.
Mother-s-Sleepless-Nights-Impact-on-Children-s-Sleep Myza
Mother's Sleepless Nights: Impact on Children’s Sleep
Mothers everywhere, would love to know the secret of how to get their children to sleep well. According to a recent study however, the answer appears to be to get a good night’s sleep yourself!
How-Late-Bedtimes-Affect-Children-s-Health-and-Development Myza
How Late Bedtimes Affect Children's Health and Development
A growing body of research indicates that children who regularly get to bed late are not (as they might have thought) lucky or sophisticated, but rather, set up to fail.
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The genuine impact of pregnancy on your mental health
During pregnancy women experience so many physical changes in their bodies. Not only is there a little baby growing inside you, but such physical changes can lead to the development of sleep disturbances, or exacerbate pre-existing sleep conditions.
Mother-s-Sleepless-Nights-Impact-on-Children-s-Sleep Myza
Mother's Sleepless Nights: Impact on Children’s Sleep
Mothers everywhere, would love to know the secret of how to get their children to sleep well. According to a recent study however, the answer appears to be to get a good night’s sleep yourself!
How-Late-Bedtimes-Affect-Children-s-Health-and-Development Myza
How Late Bedtimes Affect Children's Health and Development
A growing body of research indicates that children who regularly get to bed late are not (as they might have thought) lucky or sophisticated, but rather, set up to fail.
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The genuine impact of pregnancy on your mental health
During pregnancy women experience so many physical changes in their bodies. Not only is there a little baby growing inside you, but such physical changes can lead to the development of sleep disturbances, or exacerbate pre-existing sleep conditions.
Better-Sleep-During-Pregnancy-Tips-for-Rest-and-Fatigue Myza
Better Sleep During Pregnancy: Tips for Rest and Fatigue
I may be a sleep expert, but during my first pregnancy, even I found it difficult to get a good night’s sleep. So when it came to expecting my second child, I was determined to do everything in my power to ensure I got a better night’s rest; not least because this time round I had a toddler to deal with, too!
Effective-Sleep-Tips-for-Expecting-Mothers-Pregnancy-Rest Myza
Effective Sleep Tips for Expecting Mothers: Pregnancy Rest
Pregnancy affects a woman’s body in so many incredible ways. Often, these physiological changes can lead to the development of sleep disturbances, or exacerbates pre-existing sleep conditions.
The Importance of a Bedtime Routine for Children's Wellbeing
Whether it’s the spinach on their dinner plate, or a big life event like moving to a different school, it is common for children to often fear the unknown.
Better-Sleep-During-Pregnancy-Tips-for-Rest-and-Fatigue Myza
Better Sleep During Pregnancy: Tips for Rest and Fatigue
I may be a sleep expert, but during my first pregnancy, even I found it difficult to get a good night’s sleep. So when it came to expecting my second child, I was determined to do everything in my power to ensure I got a better night’s rest; not least because this time round I had a toddler to deal with, too!
Effective-Sleep-Tips-for-Expecting-Mothers-Pregnancy-Rest Myza
Effective Sleep Tips for Expecting Mothers: Pregnancy Rest
Pregnancy affects a woman’s body in so many incredible ways. Often, these physiological changes can lead to the development of sleep disturbances, or exacerbates pre-existing sleep conditions.
The Importance of a Bedtime Routine for Children's Wellbeing
Whether it’s the spinach on their dinner plate, or a big life event like moving to a different school, it is common for children to often fear the unknown.
Aromatherapy-And-Your-Bedtime-Routine-5-Reasons-Why-You-And-Your-Children-Should-Try-It Myza
Aromatherapy And Your Bedtime Routine: 5 Reasons Why You And Your Children Should Try It
Anybody that is already an essential oil convert will jump at the opportunity to testify about their amazing therapeutic benefits.
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Navigating Teenage Sleep: Supporting Nocturnal Adolescents
My daughter was always an early riser from the very beginning but long gone is the sleeping beauty I remember, we are more like sleeping moody these days, still beautiful in my eyes but with a perma scowl on her face especially when she sees me!
How-Childhood-Bedtimes-Impact-Sleep-Health-in-Adulthood Myza
How Childhood Bedtimes Impact Sleep Health in Adulthood
Remember ‘bedtime’, or the time you had to be in bed by as a young child? Remember pleading with your parent(s) to stay up just that little bit longer, sure that they were merely exaggerating the risks/dangers of a late bedtime?
Aromatherapy-And-Your-Bedtime-Routine-5-Reasons-Why-You-And-Your-Children-Should-Try-It Myza
Aromatherapy And Your Bedtime Routine: 5 Reasons Why You And Your Children Should Try It
Anybody that is already an essential oil convert will jump at the opportunity to testify about their amazing therapeutic benefits.
Navigating-Teenage-Sleep-Supporting-Nocturnal-Adolescents Myza
Navigating Teenage Sleep: Supporting Nocturnal Adolescents
My daughter was always an early riser from the very beginning but long gone is the sleeping beauty I remember, we are more like sleeping moody these days, still beautiful in my eyes but with a perma scowl on her face especially when she sees me!
How-Childhood-Bedtimes-Impact-Sleep-Health-in-Adulthood Myza
How Childhood Bedtimes Impact Sleep Health in Adulthood
Remember ‘bedtime’, or the time you had to be in bed by as a young child? Remember pleading with your parent(s) to stay up just that little bit longer, sure that they were merely exaggerating the risks/dangers of a late bedtime?
How-Much-Sleep-Do-Teenagers-Really-Need Myza
How Much Sleep Do Teenagers Really Need?
eenagers aren't exactly known as early risers. Whether you're a teen now or have a teenager yourself, you will know the temptation to stay up late. This is especially true for older teens who may have moved out and gone to university, for example.
Supporting-New-Mothers-Tips-for-Managing-Exhaustion Myza
Supporting New Mothers: Tips for Managing Exhaustion
In the wake of Mother's Day, International Women's Day, and in response to the incredibly condescending speech by Russian President Vladimir Putin which disparaged the strengths and integrity of ladies all over the world, it's time to acknowledge that women definitely have it harder than men.
How-Much-Sleep-Do-Teenagers-Really-Need Myza
How Much Sleep Do Teenagers Really Need?
eenagers aren't exactly known as early risers. Whether you're a teen now or have a teenager yourself, you will know the temptation to stay up late. This is especially true for older teens who may have moved out and gone to university, for example.
Supporting-New-Mothers-Tips-for-Managing-Exhaustion Myza
Supporting New Mothers: Tips for Managing Exhaustion
In the wake of Mother's Day, International Women's Day, and in response to the incredibly condescending speech by Russian President Vladimir Putin which disparaged the strengths and integrity of ladies all over the world, it's time to acknowledge that women definitely have it harder than men.