A white pillow against a yellow background next to a vase of flowers and  plant pot

Are feather and down pillows better than synthetic?

Written by: Editorial Team


Time to read 4 min

What is a feather and down pillow?

Feather and down pillows are a highly common terminology when shopping online for a new pillow, with the two elements typically mentioned together. However, a feather pillow filling a down filling serve two different purposes.

A down pillow uses the soft inner layer of feathers typically belonging to a duck or goose, known as waterfowl - a name given to game, aquatic birds. Down is known for providing warmth and high-quality airflow.

A feather filling, on the other hand utilises the back and wing feathers instead, and can be identified by their quill shape. Feather pillows tend to be stronger than a down pillow, as well as generally cheaper. However, the two often work in tandem to provide supreme softness and breathability with head and neck support.

coze web pillows

pros and cons of feather and down pillows

Feather and down pillows are a popular, premium choice among shoppers for multiple reasons, including, but not limited to:

  • Ultra fluffy feel
  • Support for the head and neck and avoiding aches
  • Durability and longevity
  • Moisture wicking, temperature control across hot and cold weather

There are some drawbacks to feather and down, pillows, however. Those looking for a new pillow should consider that feather and down fillings can:

  • Trigger allergies for those with sensitivities such as hayfever or dust mite allergies due to their tendency to trap elements it comes into contact with, with some sleepers finding out they have a specific allergy towards bird feathers.
  • Have feathers escape and poke out of the material, losing fluffiness and irritating sleepers
  • Struggle to dry if wet
  • Flatten over time
  • Cost far more than a synthetic pillow, due to its premium price tag

what is meant by a synthetic pillow?

A synthetic pillow, unlike a feather and down pillow, contains unnatural, manmade fillings - such as polyester, microfibre, and hollowfibre. While synthetic pillow fillings are often cheaper, well-made synthetics can offer many of the same benefits as feather and down fillings, and even provide an alternative for some of the former's limitations.

Benefits and limitations of synthetic pillows

Many shoppers opt for synthetic pillows without feeling like they're choosing a downgraded filling, thanks in part to the following benefits:

  • Hypoallergenic resistance to dust mites, pet hairs, and non-use of bird feathers
  • Easiness to clean, especially for allergy sufferers.
  • Better retention of shape without having filling spill out of the pillow
  • Variety of thickness and sizes, ideal for those who prefer a flatter pillow than feather and down can typically provide
  • Better value price

However, many synthetic pillows come cheaply for some less-than-preferable reasons, including:

  • Shorter life than feather and down pillows
  • Overheating due to fibres' over-retention of heat in warm environments
  • Flatness and lack of fluff
  • Lack of support for the head and neck, causing aches and pains during waking hours or an inability to get comfortable when trying to sleep
  • Unpleasant feel, due to rough fillings that can clump together with age
wool synthetic pillows

feather and down pillows vs. synthetic - which is better?

Feather and down pillows are widely considered the premium option due to their unmatched softness and breathability - but this does not mean they are necessarily the best option for every shopper.

couple sleeping on foam pillows

Allergy sufferers are better with synthetic pillows, as these fillings offer far greater hypoallergenic options. For those with budgetary constraints, synthetic pillows are by far the cheaper option, but as shown by our recommended synthetic pillows below, buying synthetic does not by any means equate to buying a bad pillow.

suggested synthetic pillows

Luff Sleep pillows use a luxuriously soft, hypoallergenic bamboo outer layer, paired with a CloudTec® memory foam filling, offering all the coolness and breathability of a standard down pillow.

The Kally Sleep Feels Like Down pillow is made from fluffy cloud-like microfibre filling that mimics the feeling of down pillows at a fraction of the price tag. The pillows are an ideal choice for allergy sufferers, as the inner synthetic fibres protect bacteria and dust mites from penetrating the material.

our recommended feather and down pillows

Snoozeworld's offers triple-chamber luxury design - pairing ultra-soft 10% goose feather and 90% goose down with a duck feather centre. The goose offers incomparable softness while the duck centre adds a required firmness to support the head and neck.

Filled with premium-grade Hungarian goose feather and down, the Silenight Ultimate Luxury Pillow is encased in extra soft percale cotton, and offers high-tech temperature control all year round.

Feather and down pillows are widely considere the premium filling for pillows.

However, not everyone would benefit from them, especially allergy sufferers and those on a budget

There are many high-quality synthetic pillows on the market that offer the same benefits as feather and down fillings.

How do I clean a feather and down pillow?

Always refer to instructions attached before washing. Feather and down pillows are generally machine cleaned or washed gently with a mild detergent. Ensure they are thoroughly dried to prevent mold.

How often should I replace my pillow?

Feather and down pillows can last 5-10 years with proper care and washing, while synthetic pillows typically last 2-3 years. However, high-quality synthetic pillows can achieve a similar longevity.

Do pillows come with a warranty?

Some brands offer warranties or satisfaction guarantees within a certain timeframe. Check the retailer’s policy before purchasing.

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The Myza Editorial Team

The Myza Editorial Team works together to create and curate The Sleep Journal, a series of blog posts designed to help our customers with frequently asked questions and curiosities regarding everything in the world of sleep, from sleeping positions to skin and hair care. We also provide regular shopping guides, interviews, and reviews to provide insight into our hand-picked brand collaborations and the benefits they have to offer.

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