- There was many a squeal (and even a couple of ‘whoops’) when Hot Pink Polly arrived at the warehouse. And it’s not just the fun and vibrant colour that has got us all excited, but also the simple, comfortable design and buttery-soft fabric.
- Cut from the highest quality 100% linen, Polly has been dyed and laundered by our good friends in Portugal and then finished with some pretty white recycled buttons. The revere collar, perfectly-sized pocket and slightly curved hem all make Polly a very special PJ top indeed.
- Designed to be worn with Hot Pink Tilly 100% Linen Pyjama Bottoms, Polly is available in three sizes. Our model is 5’8” and is wearing a size small. And if hot pink isn’t for you, then choose from one of four other special colours.
- Polly can be washed at 40 degrees and a little shake should get out most of the creases. Only iron if you’re a sucker for a wrinkle-free bedtime.
- There was many a squeal (and even a couple of ‘whoops’) when Hot Pink Polly arrived at the warehouse. And it’s not just the fun and vibrant colour that has got us all excited, but also the simple, comfortable design and buttery-soft fabric.
- Cut from the highest quality 100% linen, Polly has been dyed and laundered by our good friends in Portugal and then finished with some pretty white recycled buttons. The revere collar, perfectly-sized pocket and slightly curved hem all make Polly a very special PJ top indeed.
- Designed to be worn with Hot Pink Tilly 100% Linen Pyjama Bottoms, Polly is available in three sizes. Our model is 5’8” and is wearing a size small. And if hot pink isn’t for you, then choose from one of four other special colours.
- Polly can be washed at 40 degrees and a little shake should get out most of the creases. Only iron if you’re a sucker for a wrinkle-free bedtime.