banana against pink background
Do Bananas Help You Sleep? Discover Their Bedtime Benefits

Bananas are considered a staple of the "five-a-day" diet - one of the prescribed fruits and vegetables recommended by health...

woman sitting in bed, leaning over with hands placed on painful lower back
How to Sleep with Lower Back Pain: Best Tips and Solutions

According to the NHS, up to 80% of us will struggle with lower back pain at some point in our...

a figure in a dark room huddled in the corner, afraid
What is Sleep Paralysis?

An estimated one-third of us will experience sleep paralysis - an often terrifying and debilitating experience mid-sleep that may cause...

banana against pink background
Do Bananas Help You Sleep? Discover Their Bedtime Benefits
Bananas are considered a staple of the "five-a-day" diet - one of the prescribed fruits and vegetables recommended by health experts to maintain a healthy lifestyle. If you think of "health food" - a banana is probably the first image that pops into your brain.
woman sitting in bed, leaning over with hands placed on painful lower back
How to Sleep with Lower Back Pain: Best Tips and Solutions
According to the NHS, up to 80% of us will struggle with lower back pain at some point in our lives. While that statistic can be somewhat depressing.
a figure in a dark room huddled in the corner, afraid
What is Sleep Paralysis?
An estimated one-third of us will experience sleep paralysis - an often terrifying and debilitating experience mid-sleep that may cause some sleepers to become afraid of going to bed every night.